This week at Arundel High School, MdBioLab piloted the new water exploration lab What lives in your Water?.
Ms. Hanson’s and Ms. McMullen’s classes ventured to the watershed behind their schools (in the mud no less) and collected water samples to be tested for quality. They tested the water for temperature and pH and filtered it in the lab to determine the number of enterococcus bacteria that were present in a sample from their nearby stream.
In the photo: enterococcus colonies growing on media from 10mL and 100mL water samples from the Patuxent River on Monday, March 7, 2011.
Students will report their findings on an interactive map and compare their results with those from other schools around the state.
Does a rain event affect the number of CFU’s (colony forming units)? The students at Arundel could tell you…….