VIDEO SERIES: Careers in Bioscience


NGSS Resources

NGSS Resource: Paul Anderson, who has made a name for himself making accessible YouTube videos explaining various scientific content and ideas, also has a separate series dedicated to reviewing the importance of  the three dimensions of NGSS: scientific and engineering processes, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas. Learn More >

NGSS Resource: On the NASBE website, you can find information about regional symposia on NGSS, webinars, policy updates, and commentaries. Learn More >

NGSS Resource: The Concord Consortium website is host to an interactive activity finder that suggests classroom activities based on chosen core ideas, practices, and cross cutting concepts from NGSS. Learn More >

NGSS Resource: The NSTA website contains pages of NGSS-related resources to help both teachers and parents understand the new standards and implications for the classroom. Visit their ‘Implementation Resources’ page for videos, webinars, a Q&A for parents, and more. Learn More >

NGSS Resource: MSDE’s Blackboard page provides teachers with information about NGSS and its implementation in Maryland, including power points, memos, and additional resources. Learn More >

NGSS Resource: Learn about the Next Generation Science Standards straight from the source. Learn More >

Online Resources

USABO is the premiere biology competition for American high school students. Twenty finalists are invited to a residential training program where they learned advanced biological concepts and lab skills. Ultimately four students earn the right to represent the USA at the International Biology Olympiad (IBO), a worldwide competition with roughly 60 countries competing. Learn More >

SciTech is the Towson University Center for STEM Excellence’s dedicated student learning lab. Located in the Inner Harbor of Baltimore, SciTech engages middle and high school students in intensive hands-on, laboratory-based activities that stimulate thought and excite participants. Learn More >

A free, six-week long program for 80 of the world’s most accomplished high school students. Held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, RSI aids students with their individual development of a research project while also helping them to kick-start their careers in science, math, engineering or technology. Learn More >

The Mobile Laboratory Coalition (MLC) is a national partnership of science education programs with a goal of developing and disseminating a network of mobile science laboratory programs. Our common vision is to share curricula and ideas to inspire an appreciation and knowledge of science and scientific inquiry. Learn More >

Towson University’s Maryland Loaner Lab (MDLL) is a resource for Maryland middle and high school science teachers that brings a variety of investigations to the classroom. Learn More >

This is a newly created center is a collaboration among the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP), the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Learn More >

Johns Hopkins University hosts this summer camp for high school students in which they explore engineering concepts. Students learn about career and educational opportunities from professionals while at the same time, earning transferrable credit from the university. Learn More >

Coming Soon: DIY Labs