Last Updated Jan 29, 2021
This unit will introduce students to solar eclipses. Students will develop questions after being introduced to phenomena. Throughout the unit, students will analyze pieces of evidence to answer their questions and eventually come to understand the sun, earth, moon system.
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Students will know
- Lunar cycle
- Lunar orbital tilt
- Solar eclipses
- Earth’s axial tilt
- Sun-Moon-Earth System
Students will understand
- Why the view of the moon changes night to night
- How solar eclipses occur
- Why solar eclipses occur don’t occur in the same location every eclipse season
Students will be able to
- Use lunar journals to see the pattern of the moon’s visible shape over time
- Use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to understand the lunar cycle
- Use physical and computer models to understand changes in moon peak times
- Use a model to understand solar eclipses only occur during new moon phases and only when the moon’s orbit passes in front of the sun
- Collect and analyze data about solar eclipses from 2010-2020
- Draw conclusions about the cause of the phenomena and the reason those locations were able to see it
Next Generation Science Standards Connections
MS-ESS1-1 Earth’s Place in the Universe: Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Connections
8.7(B): demonstrate and predict the sequence of events in the lunar cycle
Activities to Gather Evidence
The sun, Earth, moon model used in this bundle is adapted from National Science Teacher Association: Moon Phases Demonstration for use by Learning Undefeated.