MdBioLab is pleased to be partnering with W.R. Grace to host an event for Manufacturing Day, a worldwide celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers. Approximately 20 students from Ben Franklin High School in Curtis Bay, Maryland will be visiting W.R. Grace’s Curtis Bay manufacturing facility and participating in MdBio’s Looking into Lactase activity onboard MdBioLab.
The day will kick off with an overview and site tour of the various manufacturing plants by several W.R. Grace engineers and site operations director, followed by a visit to MdBioLab. The event will also include lunch and plant fair, where the students will have the opportunity to learn more about various areas of our manufacturing facility, how it relates back to their daily life and the possible opportunities for them in the future. The day will conclude with a tour of Grace’s PIC (Process Innovation Center) and ASC (quality) labs.
MdBio’s event is one of more than 1,500 events being held worldwide on October 7 to draw attention to the need for highly skilled manufacturing workers. By working together during and after Manufacturing Day, manufacturers will begin to address the skilled labor shortage they face, connect with future generations, take charge of the public image of manufacturing, and ensure the ongoing prosperity of the whole industry. Learn more about the event and initiative at