Learning Undefeated Prepares Over 3,000 Delaware Students for STEM Careers This School Year

With several months still to go in the 2021/22 school year, Learning Undefeated already has reached more than 3,000 Delaware middle and high school students with STEM learning experiences designed to showcase high-growth STEM jobs across the state. The program introduces Delaware students to in-demand STEM careers and groundbreaking discoveries being made right in their own backyard. Learning Undefeated has served more than 4,500 Delaware students since 2018.

Learning Undefeated’s Magic School Bus Visits Austin, Texas

In full ’90s nostalgic fashion, the ‘Mobile eXploration Lab’ (MXLab) is bringing the Magic School Bus to life for some Central Texas students. The MXLab is a mobile classroom designed to introduce students to careers in science, technology, engineering and math. Inside are activities that promote critical thinking, scientific processes and hands-on learning for all grade levels.