Advancing Tomorrow’s Leaders in STEM (ATLAS) is a college and career readiness symposium that provides a space for students typically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to connect with business leaders, colleges, government, and potential employers.
ATLAS will take place at the University of the District of Columbia Student Center on Tuesday, May 23, 2017. Student registration for this event is open and expo tables are available! Learn more
ATLAS plays an important role in increasing awareness of STEM to promote rewarding and high paying jobs within Maryland. ATLAS is addressing a critical business need in Maryland, which requires a strong pipeline of skilled STEM workers to power the state’s growing science and technology business
Since 2013 MdBio has hosted six ATLAS events, engaging over 1,000 participants in meaningful dialogues about STEM career options and the educational pathways required to reach those career goals.